Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"You Lie". Two words Rep. Joe Wilson will regret for the remainder of his life. Now the Democrats are using the mistake to their advantage over and over again. While Wilson has apologized numerous times, the House is still wasting their time debating it. Typical bloviating from DC. The Dems are taking his words out of context and perpetuating a controversy to use it to their advantage. Not to mention that they are taking the focus off of the health care debate, a debate they are loosing.

Now some people are saying "You Lie" is a racist remark. Wow. The politicians will stoop to the lowest level possible. How in the world is that a racist remark? Because it criticizes a black President? Does that mean we can never criticize President Obama for fear of being labeled a racist? I do not care what color anyones skin is - if they are attempting to put forth an agenda that I feel is bad for the country I will criticize it. We shouldn't fear being labeled a racist for that. Every President in history has been criticized, and their policies argued against. It is our right as citizens of the USA to be able to voice our opinion. There are many, many reasons that the health care reform proposed by the Dems and Obama is bad for the country. But crying racisim is now the Dems attempt to deflect negative attention and opinion. The only people race is an issue for is them - and it gives a defensive mechanism without basis. There is no proof that anyone against health care is racist. None. Nada. Rien. I attended the rally on capital hill Saturday and there were no racist posters, no racist words uttered. Simply the American public voicing their opinion in a peaceful, passionate way. Just like Rep. Wilson.

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