Thursday, July 30, 2009

Here we go AGAIN!

It really never ends with the Democratic Chicago machine in Washington. Do we REALLY need to fund porn with "spendulous" dollars. There are at least one hundred thousand better things to pump cash into. Or maybe don't! The economy is barely breathing in spite of Obama and his cronies in Washington and beyond. Do they really believe this b.s. they are spoon feeding us?

Have you read The Forgotten Man by Amity Shlaes? My must read for these tumultuous times. In fact, I would like to poll those working for the administration as well as Pelosi. I would wager that maybe they had some subordinate read it and give them a glossed over synopsis. I would ask them to review the parts of the books that retell how FDR and his cohorts tried to put the utilities out of business by creating a government run utility. Sound eerily familiar? Why do these politicans feel they know better when they so clearly do not?

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