Thursday, August 27, 2009

Massachusetts Blue

Lets say prayers for Senator Ted Kennedy and his family. May he rest in peace. Now to the topic of the day. The citizens and politicans of Massachusetts are what is wrong with politics.

Poor Senator Kennedy must have seen the writing on the wall as he wrote to the Massachusetts politicans to lobby them to change the rules to benefit the Democrats. Back when Mitt Romney was Governor, Kennedy and his pals made sure that the Governor would not be able to appoint a successor to the U.S. Senate should Kerry win the White House (whew, close one!). Now, the Democrats want to shift the power back to the Governor so they do not need to go through a protracted election process(which they enacted) that will result in the state missing out on the health care debate and vote. Dirty politics. Never fair. Not playing by the rules that the Democrats themselves put in place. Lets face it, Massachusetts has a registered voting population that is 16% Republican. Special interest groups, unions and public employees rule the day there by design. The residents are spoon fed bullet points by The Boston Globe to recite at cocktail parties. Not an indepedent thought among them. A Republican would not stand a chance in an election. But if the citizens of that questionable state ever do elect a Republican again to run the state, wouldn't it be nice to think they would have the power to appoint someone to send down to D.C.? Probably the only chance a Republican has to sit in the Senate representing MA. Then again, if a Republican does make it to Boston to run the state, the Democrats will reverse their position AGAIN. Not a whole lot of sticking to their principles in Massachusetts. Unlike Kennedy who always stuck to his.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama "town hall"

As I sit here, President Obama is holding a Town Hall meeting in NH. Really??? That is NOT a Town Hall meeting. It is a rally of Obama supports. Do they have applause signs illuminate so the crowd knows when to cheer? He must think that the American people are stupid to stand there and believe that this is a Town Hall!!! 60% of the American public does not want changes to health care that result in an increase to taxes (they of course are those who will face an increase to their taxes - the other 40% believe in error that they will not face any increase to their taxes). In fact, only 16% think it is the most important issue of the day (they must not have health insurance or know that they won't be paying additional taxes to receive it). The questions posed are clearly coming from Obama supporters - it is misleading to the American people to refer to this event as a Town Hall. Pelosi has called those who disagree loudly anti-American and Nazis. Calling the protesters "Brooks Brothers" when clearly most of those protesting are elderly and will be affected most of all through the enomorous proposed cut to medicare and medicaid. I call out to independents and conservatives through out this country to not give up the fight. Keep fighting and protesting loudly and strongly. Even if the liberals move ahead without congressional support of Republicans, we must remember this come November 2010 (and this Fall is some cases) and vote our Congresspeople out of office. Protest at the polls and remove these political misfits forever. Change will come AGAIN...